Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Camo Card

My friend, Anne's, husband was deployed to Iraq last week.  She asked some of her friends to send him cards of encouragement.  I knew just the card I wanted to make.  I had bought a couple of yards of this fabric quite a few years ago on the $1 a yard table at Walmart.  I always thought it might come in handy one day, and it finally did tonight.  I made this just like my other quilted cards.  The only difference is that it's only from one fabric and not 8 or 9 like I usually use.  I still think it has a pretty neat quilted affect.

1 comment:

  1. I so like that card and the fabric. Never saw the fabric before. Certainly is perfect for that postcard.

    I SO miss Wal-mart's fabrics. Ben Franklin here had some nice stuff too and the store closing. We have JoAnn's here and JoAnn's and Hancock's in adjoining city. Best place here is a local quilt shop. Regular fabric is pricy but she had wonderful sales and always something in the back room really a side room in the middle of the store which has fabrics with red or green dots on the bolt. Sometimes a color is $3 a yard, $4. a yard, sometimes 30% off, 40% off 50% off, etc. And if you got your machine from her 10% off and if fabric, patterns, batting, etc for a class there 20% off.

    The kids did a wonderful job on their t-shirts!
