Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wearable Art

Kurt had a business meeting yesterday afternoon, so Patrick and Bridget spent the afternoon with us.  We had a shirt-painting party.  It was a lot of fun.  I had gotten shirts at A.C. Moore and pulled out the fabric paints.  We had shirts and paints spread all over the kitchen floor. 

I knew the girls would love it, but the boys loved it just as much.  It was fun to watch them each express their personalities through their designs.

Timothy immediately decided to make a sponge bob on his shirt and he did a great job.  Bridget's favorite video game is "My Sims Agent", so she wrote that on her shirt.  Hannah loves music, so her shirt was covered with multi-colored music notes. 
Patrick did the logo of his favorite video game, and I painted multi-colored hearts all over my shirt.

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